Honouring Our Loved Ones

Creating a tribute to your beloved pet can be an effective tool for coping with our grief while also providing a beautiful reminder.

Lora Groves Lora Groves


5 months ago, I had to face the most difficult moment in my entire life, one which I never thought would happen to me this way.

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Lora Groves Lora Groves


Growing up, Lola was our best friend. She was a part of our lives for as long as we can remember and she made every day brighter with her quirky personality, playful attitude, and, most of all, her unconditional love. When we found out Lola was sick, it was a devastating shock to all of us.

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Lora Groves Lora Groves


Losing Jack was one of the hardest things I have had to go through this far. He was our fur baby for 16 years and we miss him so much.

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Lora Groves Lora Groves


Eddie was my best friend of 16 1/2 years. He was the sweetest, friendliest, most perfect dog. Eddie came with me everywhere I could bring him - to work, cottages, weekend getaways and out of country trips - he made everything so much better by being there.

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Lora Groves Lora Groves


We were devastated as a family when we lost our beloved Layla. Unfortunately, few people understand the depth of the loss when you lose your family pet. We were so grateful to have found Lesley. She is kind, compassionate and extremely skilled.

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Lora Groves Lora Groves


Our dog Beauty provided our family with 15 1/2 incredible years of laughter, love , playfulness and companionship. The novelty never wore off for any of us as she continued to welcome all family and friends and hold a special place to everyone who met her.

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