
Growing up, Lola was our best friend. She was a part of our lives for as long as we can remember and she made every day brighter with her quirky personality, playful attitude, and, most of all, her unconditional love. When we found out Lola was sick, it was a devastating shock to all of us.

As young kids, we felt lost trying to cope with the reality of losing one of our sisters, but luckily we had our mom to help us understand and get through this tough period. She helped to cope with our loss, while also remembering Lola for all the love and light she brought to our family. Without our mom by our side holding our hands, I don't know how we would have been able to get through this experience. Knowing that we could always go to our mom to talk, cry, or even laugh, we felt as though we were never alone.

Lola, we love you, and you will always be our princess, and to our Mom thank you for always being there to help us through hard times We love you to the moon and back.

- Halle and Kenzie



