
5 months ago, I had to face the most difficult moment in my entire life, one which I never thought would happen to me this way.

After living a long and healthy life of 14 1/2 years, my beautiful little boy, as I called him, because he was my beautiful little boy, who was always so joyful and playful in his own way, and so eager to please his Mom with unconditional love and never ending kisses, a boy who loved life in all its beautiful creation to the fullest, my beautiful Boubou, the love of my life, left this earth.

The day he fall asleep in my arms, he left me with the feeling of his beating heart full of love for me, but he also left a terrible void and emptiness, a hole where a piece of my heart is missing forever. My life suddenly changed the complete opposite of what he made it, so worthwhile and beautiful, now in deep grief.

Although 5 months has gone by, to me it feels like yesterday, the physical and emotional pain that his loss has caused is overwhelming. I never experienced this with any human loved one who I’ve lost. He was my everything, my only family who was here for me from the beginning.

I struggled, still do, to cope with his loss and grief. I couldn’t have done this alone. When I was referred to Lesley I didn’t know how she would help me but she is a beautiful soul from the inside out, with tremendous deep compassion, love, and true caring. She showed me when she listened to my pain and anger and everything i was expressing, it can’t be compared. Her kindness and real life first hand experience in losing her own beloved dog, helped me to see that I’m not alone in what I’m feeling or how I’m feeling. She helped with her kind suggestions and wonderful ideas. By just listening and helping me navigate my way through my anger and emotions that made me physically sick, she helped me tremendously. I am grateful for her true empathy and kindness not just towards me, but for the love she showed to Boubou, by respecting my feelings and showing dignity to my little boy. Nothing meant more to me than when humans were kind and respectful to my little boy, when he was alive, but even more so now; and Lesley did just so.

I couldn’t do it without her, I found a treasure in a very bad moment of my life, the lowest time and day when I couldn’t see or think clearly because of my pain. Her help came at the right time.

Thank you for your love and true compassion towards all these beautiful animals, fur babies, whom we all lost, thank you for remembering them in a dignified and loving way and keeping their memories alive by the work you do.

Boubou would agree with this too.

In loving memory of Boubou.

"Don't let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world."

— Scarlet

