
Eddie was my best friend of 16 1/2 years. He was the sweetest, friendliest, most perfect dog. Eddie came with me everywhere I could bring him - to work, cottages, weekend getaways and out of country trips - he made everything so much better by being there.

We had an incredible bond and a deep understanding of each others’ feelings. Eddie would watch me with his wise, soulful eyes and I could communicate to him with the slightest of gestures. When I was sad, Eddie would curl up next to me and nudge his little head under my hand. When I was happy, he was funny and playful. He comforted me through the most painful moments of my life, and was a part of the very happiest times. We went through so much together - 9 moves in 3 cities, pregnancy losses, the deaths of my Dad and my mother-in-law, divorce. Also the joys of welcoming his younger sisters Lola and later Willow into our lives, and my fiancé Bob whom Eddie adored.

Eddie was deeply loved and I’m so lucky to have had so many years with him. Although it was his time, it is overwhelming how painful it has been to say goodbye.

Some may read this and think Eddie was “just a dog,” but Eddie was my family and my love for him is the closest thing I know to having a child of my own. My heart hurts and I miss him so much.

I am so grateful that my vet connected me with Lesley. Lesley offered a safe space for me to talk through my grief and it was extremely cathartic.

After speaking with Lesley the first time, it felt like a weight had been lifted. Lesley helped me understand my overwhelming feelings and helped me realize that Eddie will live on forever in my heart which was really comforting. I've been reading books that Lesley suggested and they have helped me work through my grief.

I would strongly recommend anyone grieving the loss of a beloved pet to speak with Lesley. She has a very special gift for helping to heal after loss.

Rest peacefully my sweet Eddie Spaghetti.

- Cynthia



