
Our dog Beauty provided our family with 15 1/2 incredible years of laughter, love , playfulness and companionship. The novelty never wore off for any of us as she continued to welcome all family and friends and hold a special place to everyone who met her. Beauty’s unconditional love taught us all how to forgive and forget ( good lesson with young kids!) and how to see the best in all.

When her quality of life began to change, Lesley looked at how we could help her ease into her best life. Beauty had given us so much and this was our chance to give back to her.

Lesley’s gentle and thoughtful suggestions helped our entire family transition into the inevitable. Her love for ALL living creatures and instinctual pure heart was a godsend. We are so very grateful for her care and compassion and know she can bring you peace at this difficult time.

Beauty’s family

